1. Da li želiš vidjeti moju kolekciju Economista?
2. Imaš jaaako dobra dva argumenta.
3. Želiš li poraditi na teamwork-u u mojoj sobi?
4. Želiš li swingati na ovom turniru?
5. Sviđa mi se način na koji popuniš svoj donji dio...stola.
Why is debating like sex? Because if you're willing to put out, you shouldn't be surprised if you get some. Let me demonstrate this on a few common lines that your teammate tells you after HIS speech.
- How was I?
- This was my best ever
- I brought the atmosphere to the whole new level
- I have a GREAT extension
- I don't know what's happening to me usually I'm much better
And then he gets some.
Pjesma godine: Backstabbing motherfucker
Najbolje objašnjenje presude na Europskom ikada, bilo je u Cork-u ;objašnjenje Ljubljani A, u debate “THBT Chechnya should succeed from Russia” kada je britanski sudac objasnio zašto im je dao drugu poziciju: “Well it was a close call between you and the Scottish team, but I gave them the first place in this debate, because your knowledge of this debate is more special and in depth then theirs, because your country borders with Chechnya.”
Velimir Ilića kao predstavnika srpske manjine u sabor!!!!!
Ako će imat problema s prebivalištem, nek navede Severininu kućnu adresu
tako je!!!!
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